Ca sa nu uit ce am scris ))
url: the MP3 link to the song. MANDATORY
ogg: the OGG link to the song. MANDATORY
time: the length, in minutes, of the song/part of the song, that will be repeated. If nothing added, all song will be repeated. OPTIONALLY
volume: the default player volume. Values from 0 to 100. If nothing added, 50 will be used. OPTIONALLY
Звук дождя MP3+OGG
[infinite url= ogg= volume=100]
Барабанящие капли MP3+OGG
[infinite url= ogg= volume=100]
Раскаты грома MP3+OGG
[infinite url= ogg= volume=100]
[nfinite url= volume=5]
Alt text
[nfinite url= time=4.52 volume=50]
Si cam asta.